Arts Management (Certificate)


We recognize that success in the arts is being redefined in the 21st century, and that the skills needed to be a successful artist extend beyond the studio, stage, and performance hall. An innovative mind, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for the arts are all essential for success. These principles are not just exclusive to artists, but serve all students well, no matter where their career leads them. This program is offered by the LEAP Institute for the Arts, a special academic unit of Colorado State University’s College of Liberal Arts.

Graduate Certificate in Arts Management

The Graduate Certificate is a 12 credit program (four courses) offered residentially or online.
Required courses:

  • LEAP 500 Introduction to Leadership in the Arts
  • LEAP 600 Arts Policy and Advocacy
  • Choose two of the following:
    • LEAP 520 Technology in Arts Management
    • LEAP 650 Arts Events Management
    • LEAP 660 Arts Collaboration and the Community
    • LEAP 670 Law and the Arts

Next Steps


Coursework, credit requirements, and more information is available in the Colorado State University general catalog. Please contact your department representative with program-related questions.

Financial Aid

Financial aid resources available through the Office of Financial Aid website.