Advanced Silviculture (Certificate)


The Online Graduate Certificate in Advanced Silviculture for the Practicing Forester provides forestry professionals with advanced contemporary knowledge for making sound, science-based management decisions within an adaptive management context. This online certificate will prepare students with the tools, methods, theories, and tactics to identify, compare, and apply advanced ecological and silvicultural concepts to diverse forest ecosystems, as well as develop, implement, and evaluate silvicultural solutions to help forests and communities adapt to a changing climate. The program is comprised of a set of six core courses (12 credits total).

Graduate Certificate in Advanced Silviculture

Next Steps


Coursework, credit requirements, and more information is available in the Colorado State University general catalog. Please contact your department representative with program-related questions.

Student Employment

Graduate students interested in employment positions (GTA, GRA, GSA appointments and hourly positions) should contact their advisor and their departmental graduate coordinator for the process to apply.

Financial Aid