“I had the opportunity to mingle with many inspiring young delegates and leaders from across the globe, and was mesmerized by their aspirations and thought-provoking ideas to initiate changes, not only in their respective countries, but also towards attaining global well-being”

As appearing in Source.colostate.edu | March, 2019 | By 

Construction Management doctoral student attends United Nations Youth Assembly

Manideep Tummalapudi, a doctoral student from Colorado State University’s Department of Construction Management, recently attended the United Nations Youth Assembly in New York City, as the Youth Delegate representing India, CSU, and his generation of earnest change-makers. Tummalapudi took part in the conference Feb. 15-17.

“I realize how fortunate I am to have been a part of such a notable occasion,” Tummalapudi said of his experience. “I feel privileged to have attended the Youth Assembly with distinguished delegates from around the world. It gave me the opportunity to make acquaintances that will surely help me build a great career in association with the United Nations team. It has instilled in me the desire to learn more about world challenges, familiarize myself with the UN programs and initiatives being implemented to elucidate these challenges, and what I can meaningfully contribute, in the role of a researcher, targeting the 2030 UN Sustainable Development goals.”

“Additionally,” he notes, “I had the opportunity to mingle with many inspiring young delegates and leaders from across the globe, and was mesmerized by their aspirations and thought-provoking ideas to initiate changes, not only in their respective countries, but also towards attaining global well-being. The UN officials who spoke were revolutionary, and their work truly kindled me towards wanting to be a contributor. It changed my outlook towards problem-solving, and fueled my passion for thoughtful exploration.“

Affordable housing in developing countries

Per a report addressed at the UN, Tummalapudi learned that 250 million people across the globe do not have proper housing facilities, especially in developing nations like India, Indonesia, etc. Many families, even today, sleep on the streets, fighting harsh weather conditions and providing affordable housing is a global challenge.

Tummalapudi recounts, “I met an aspiring new friend at the UN Youth Assembly, who introduced me to an enterprise that is working to construct houses using 100 percent recyclable material, i.e., compressed agri-fibre panels that reduce costs of construction drastically, by 35 percent, simultaneously reducing construction time by 50 percent.”

Learning about affordable housing options helped inspire Tummalapudi to realize that he, too, can contribute to making this world a better place in which to live, literally, through offering the hope of affordable housing.

Tummalapudi thanked CSU’s Department of Construction Management and School of Education for their tremendous support, from funding his trip to motivating him to progress through these great programs. He also extended gratitude to his parents, family and friends, and stated, “We can choose the way we want to live, either in a corrupt, violent and discriminating world, or in a peaceful, honest, and impartial one. Whatever we choose, we work for that choice.”

The Department of Construction Management is part of CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences.