The Tuition Premium Program aims to provide financial support for the difference between resident and non-resident tuition for non-resident domestic GRAs in their first year of enrollment at CSU and for GRAs during their tenure in their graduate degree programs. The Tuition Premium Program only applies in the Fall and Spring terms.
Graduate Research Assistantship Tuition Premium Program
Graduate Research Assistants paid from restricted funds (53, 64) or state-appropriated funds (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19) may be eligible for the benefits of the GRA Tuition Premium Program.
To be eligible for the GRA Tuition Premium Program, domestic and international non-resident students must
- Be enrolled in a minimum of five resident-instruction credits.
- Must meet all assistantship requirements as noted in the Graduate & Professional Bulletin, Graduate Assistantship – Terms & Conditions of Appointment.
CSU Online credits do not meet the eligibility requirements for the program.
The Graduate School will pay the tuition premium, which is the difference between resident and non-resident tuition for students employed as .5FTE GRA (20 hours/week). The Graduate School will pay a prorated amount for students employed in capacities less than .5FTE. For example, CSU will pay half of the tuition premium for students employed as .25FTE (10 hours/week) premium.
- The Tuition Premium Program covers resident-instruction tuition only. It does not cover CSU Online tuition, summer tuition, fees, or differential tuition.
- All GRAs must be enrolled in at least one resident-instruction credit to hold a position. However, students enrolled in less than five credits are not eligible for the GRA Tuition Premium Program.
Restrictions specific to Domestic Non-resident Students
- CSU will provide the Tuition Premium for domestic non-resident students during their first fall and spring semesters. Hiring departments are expected to pay stipends and the resident portion of tuition.
- Students are expected to establish residency during their first year at CSU.
- If a student does NOT establish residency, the hiring department or the student must pay the difference between non-resident and resident tuition beginning in the second year/third semester and until the student establishes state residency. The Tuition Premium Program is not available after the first year to domestic non-resident students. The hiring departmental is expected to continue to pay the stipend and the resident tuition portion.
Restrictions specific to International Non-resident Students
CSU will extend the Tuition Premium Program to international students appointed as a GRA for the length of their tenure in their graduate degree program as long as they are enrolled in a minimum of five resident-instruction credits during the fall and spring semesters (summer tuition is not covered) and meet all terms and conditions of an assistantship. Tuition will be prorated as a percentage of FTE.
NOTE: Accounts Receivable Operations (ARO) will request the names of GRA Tuition Premium eligible graduate assistants, graduate fellows and graduate student grant trainees to each graduate/department coordinator. ARO will also provide additional instructions and a deadline date to submit student names to their office. Please work with the respective graduate student coordinator to identify eligible students.
Tuition Coverage by Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
The Tuition Premium Program does not cover tuition costs for the summer term. However, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) permits non-resident tuition charges to be applied to grants during the summer when the Tuition Premium Program is not available. This arrangement provides additional financial support for non-resident students who continue their research and academic activities during the summer months. Departments and students should coordinate with OSP to ensure proper processing and documentation for tuition charges on grants. This policy helps to bridge the gap in financial assistance, ensuring continued support for graduate research assistants outside the fall and spring semesters.
Key Strategic & Institutional Partners Award Program
Students from Key Strategic and Institutional Partner institutions who meet CSU qualifications and matriculate will receive one of the following awards dependent upon their graduate assistantship status. No special requests are required to participate in the award programs; however, students should self-identify as a student from a Key Strategic or Institutional Partner institution with the Office of International Programs. Students will not be limited to awards over a set number of years as long as they are enrolled in a resident-instruction degree program and are making satisfactory progress toward their degree.
Graduate assistants must maintain their assistantship status to remain eligible for the Resident Tuition/Tuition Premium Award Program. Students may participate in only one award program at a time.