Graduate School Plotter

The Graduate School has a plotter available for graduate students by reservation only. All print jobs cost $25 per sheet and are paid via your papercut account.

We recommend trying to print through your college first, as your college technology fees may allow for printing in your college at no additional charge.

Campus printing locations for graduate students:

The following colleges have plotters available for some graduate students within the respective colleges:

  • College of Agricultural Sciences
  • College of Health and Human Sciences – plotters are available to CHHS students in several college labs. Please check the college’s website for locations and details.
  • College of Liberal Arts – some departments have plotters available. Please check with your faculty advisor for more information.
  • College of Natural Sciences – a plotter is available for Chemistry graduate students.
    • Graduate students within the College of Natural Sciences can use the Graduate School’s plotter for one free plotter print during the 2024-2025 school year, as CNS provided funds to the Graduate School to purchase and maintain the plotter. The one free plotter print applies to the 2024-2025 school year and may be adjusted in the future.
  • Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences – please contact your faculty advisor for more information regarding how graduate students can print through CVMBS.
  • Walter Scott College of Engineering
  • Warner College of Natural Resources

Printing costs for Graduate School Plotter

All print jobs cost $25 per sheet and are paid via your papercut account.

Check with your faculty advisor/mentor/PI before printing to find out if funds are available and for recommendations on where to print your poster. Faculty advisors may pay the cost of their student’s poster printing. 

Important Information about Graduate School Plotter

The Graduate School plotter can print two sizes: 4’x3’ (landscape) or 3’x4’ (portrait). Landscape is the most common orientation for presentation posters.

Printing Tips:

  • You must save your poster as a PDF. Save it on a flash drive or cloud storage for in-person printing.
  • Make sure your document is the correct size.
  • Proofread carefully before printing, professional-quality color posters are expensive to print.
  • The cost of printing is $25 per sheet – you will pay via Papercut.
  • If you need something printed for a presentation, be sure to print it early.

Reservations for the Graduate School Plotter

Reservations fill up quickly. Graduate students can reserve printing up to 60 days in advance.

Commercial Printing

If you are unable to print through your college and Graduate School plotter reservations are full, you will need to find another printer. Here are some options:

  • FastPrint: you will need to charge a department account.
  • Search for vendors who can print and deliver posters. One option is EzPosterPrints.
  • FedEx: Order online.
  • OfficeDepot: 2216 E. Harmony, prints take 1-2 business days.
  • Staples: Order online.

Note: Please verify pricing and purchase options directly with the vendor.