Allison Zimont


"The transition into graduate school has been smooth and enjoyable because of the effort of those in my graduate program and across campus."


I spent a summer researching at Colorado State University as an undergraduate through the Colorado Center for Biofuels and Biorefining Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), and fell in love with the research, campus, and city. This past summer I moved back to begin the Cell and Molecular Biology PhD Program.

The people I work and study with at CSU have gone above and beyond to welcome and orient me around Colorado State University and the Fort Collins area. Thus far, I’ve been on a backpacking trip in the Rawah Wilderness with my research group, enjoyed home-cooked Greek cuisine as prepared by my thesis adviser, created friendships through cook-outs with those in my graduate program, and enjoyed Fort Collins festivities on the weekends. The transition into graduate school has been smooth and enjoyable because of the effort of those in my graduate program and across campus.